Saturday, January 22, 2011

Bellingrath 2010

Every year since Mr. L has been stationed close to Mobile, he and I make it a point to attend Bellingrath Garden's Magic Christmas in Lights event around the holiday season.  I love walking around the grounds and looking at all of the lights BG's employees work so hard to put up and maintain -- they're so gorgeous.

This year, we had the pleasure of showing our tradition to our friend Joe who flew in to visit us for a couple of weeks!

Mr. L and Joe with some of the decorations at Bellingrath

High fivin' Santa!
He's so cool.
Mr. L and I also participated in another tradition at Bellingrath -- purchasing our annual ornament.  However, we kind of did this backwards!  Instead of going on the last night with Joe, we went earlier in the month to ensure we got our ornament if we for some reason missed taking Joe this year.  Here are some pictures of our pretty 2010 BG ornament:

Since it was our last holiday season home before we move to Hawaii, I was super excited that we were able to extend this tradition into one more year.  I was also very happy that we got to share the Magic Christmas in Lights experience with Joe!

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